Winamac Coil Spring, Inc. (WCS), is owned and operated by generational descendants of their original founder, Walter Pesaresi. Established in Winamac 1948, the company relocated to nearby Kewanna, in Fulton County, when it outgrew its first home. The company grew steadily, becoming one of the largest single-location spring companies in the United States, and picking up major clients such as John Deere along the way. WCS currently has a workforce of more than 200, most of whom work out of the Kewanna headquarters. Though hardly an up-and-comer in the spring game, WCS’s presence in Pulaski County remains small. However, the company has plans significantly to expand its Winamac facility, which went into operation early in 2013, focuses primarily on wire forms, and currently employs nearly two dozen persons.
1600 South U.S.-35
Winamac, Indiana 46996
574-653-2186 (Kewanna headquarters)
WCS Website