Meetings & Minutes
Keeping track of our meetings isn’t just our responsibility: it’s what we do in good faith for our citizens. We strive to have all of our citizens, young and old, share their voice for the future of Pulaski County. To assist with that, we provide this listing of all of our notes so those who can not attend our happenings are at least able to stay informed. As Jefferson was paraphrased, “An educated citizenry is a vital requisite for our survival as a free people.”
2024 Meeting Schedule/Minutes
Unless otherwise noted on the agenda, all meetings are held at the Winamac Municipal Utilities Complex, 623 West Eleventh St. (State Road 14).
- 4 January
- 5:00 p.m. — E.D.C. Agenda
- E.D.C Minutes
- 5 January
- Noon — ACID Agenda
ACID Minutes
- 9 January
- 5:00 p.m. — R.C. Agenda
R.C Minutes
- 11 January
- Noon — TAC Agenda
TAC Minutes
- 16 January
- 6:00p.m. — C.D.C. Agenda
- C.D.C. Minutes
- 29 February
- 5:00 p.m. — E.D.C. Agenda
- E.D.C. Minutes
- 3 April
- Noon — TAC S.P.C. Agenda
TAC S.P.C. Minutes
- 23 April
- 6:00 p.m. — 2024 Economic Development Summit
- Knights of Columbus, Winamac
- 30 April
- 4:00 p.m. — E.D.C. Agenda
E.D.C. Minutes
- 14 May
- C.D.C. Agenda
C.D.C. Minutes
- 6 August
- 6:00 p.m. — C.D.C. Agenda
C.D.C. Minutes
- t.b.d.
- 3:00p.m. —
TAC S.P.C. Agenda TAC S.P.C. Minutes
- 3:00p.m. —
- t.b.d.
ACID Agenda ACID Minutes
- t.b.d.
R.C. Agenda R.C. Minutes
- t.b.d.
TAC Agenda TAC Minutes
E.D.C. Agenda E.D.C. Minutes
ACID Agenda ACID Minutes
R.C. Agenda R.C. Minutes
TAC S.P.C. Agenda TAC S.P.C. Minutes
TAC Agenda TAC Minutes
6:00 p.m. — C.D.C. Ex. Sess. C.D.C. Ex.-Sess. Minutes 6:30 p.m. — C.D.C. Agenda C.D.C. Minutes
‘E.D.C.’ refers to the Econoic Develoment Commission, ‘ACID’ to the Advisory Commission on Industrial Development, ‘R.C.’ to the Redevelopment Commission, ‘TAC’ to the Tourism Advisory Council, ‘C.D.C.’ to the Community Development Commission, and ‘TAC S.P.C.’ to the Tourism Advisory Council’s Strategic Plan Committee.
Visit the CDC archives to view previous years’ minutes, previous newsletters, and our annual accomplishments reports.